Legislative Research and Analysis. We desire to maximize our client's role in goverment by providing objective, documented and timely information of the legislative history of laws enacted by legislative bodies, with an analysis of the focus, impact, and consequences of such legislation, so they can make informed decisions.

Policy Research and Analysis. Our ability to provide comprehensive reviews of the policy approaches undertaken by government entities to address the myriad of needs of the public as well as review and analyze the actions, laws, mandates or regulations established allows our clients to understand the focus, impact, and consequences of such policies on the general public.
Electoral Campaign Consulting. We effectively serve candidates seeking public office in the development of public policy positions. We research issues of importance to both the candidate and the constituency they seek to reach. We also assist in opposition research.

Strategic Political Analysis.
Our role is to keep our clients relevant across all levels of the political spectrum and help them navigate an ever-changing political and government arena by providing detailed analyses of political events and situations as they occur and unfold.

Government Affairs.
We provide strategic coordination of legislative and policy initiatives within the legislative and executive branches of governments to effectively educate officials concerning the issues of importance to their clientele.